• Тооллого ямар ач холбогдолтой вэ?
• Тооллогод иргэд ямар үүрэгтэй оролцох вэ?
• Хамгийн сүүлд хэдэн онд тооллого болсон бэ?
• Тооллогын дүнг хэрхэн ашиглах вэ?
• Тооллогын асуулгын хуудсанд үнэн зөв хариулах нь ямар ач холбогдолтой вэ?

This year, 11 July is very special for Mongolians in many ways:First, it marks the start of the Naadam festivities, often accompanied by plenty of games and the United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA, takes this opportunity to wish all Mongolians a Very Happy Naadam!
Second, we celebrate the World Population Day in a year that Mongolia has been elected as a member of the United Nations Statistical Commission. Thirdly, the world will reach seven billion people on 31st October 2011.
Argentina Matavel UNFPA Representative in Mongolia more...
Second, we celebrate the World Population Day in a year that Mongolia has been elected as a member of the United Nations Statistical Commission. Thirdly, the world will reach seven billion people on 31st October 2011.
Argentina Matavel UNFPA Representative in Mongolia more...
Mongolia has launched the main findings of its 2010 Population and Housing Census
Mongolia has launched the main findings of its tenth population and housing census which was conducted between 11 and 17 November 2010. As of the reference date, total population of Mongolia is 2 754 685. One of the main features of the 2010 Census was e-enumeration for Mongolians living abroad. According to the main findings, Mongolia has 107 410 citizens living abroad for more than six months, 16 428 foreign citizens an more...
Outline of the population census
Population and housing census serves as the main statistical tool to gather comprehensive information on population and its composition, as well as their living conditions for broad use in socio-economic planning and policy formulation.
Mongolia has organized nine times population censuses, some with housing censuses (Annex 1). The latest census was organized in 2000 collecting much comprehensive population information of Mongolia at the beginning more...
Population and housing census serves as the main statistical tool to gather comprehensive information on population and its composition, as well as their living conditions for broad use in socio-economic planning and policy formulation.
Mongolia has organized nine times population censuses, some with housing censuses (Annex 1). The latest census was organized in 2000 collecting much comprehensive population information of Mongolia at the beginning more...
United Nations Statistics Division publishes the Report on the Results of a Survey on Census Methods used by Countries in the 2010 Census Round.
United Nations Statistics Division publishes the Report on the Results of a Survey on Census Methods used by Countries in the 2010 Census Round...more
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